Freixo WWTP - (Porto, Portugal)

Freixo WWTP is situated in Porto, Portugal, and has been designed to treat the wastewater from the the eastern part of the city, an average 35.900 m3/day (170.000 PE).
The flow is divided by two treatment lines, which include:
- Preliminary treatment;
- Primary sedimentation carried out in two rectangular settling tanks;
- Intermediate pumping station;
- Biological treatment by activated sludge, including nitrification and denitrification, in two tanks combining preanoxic and aerated stages;
- Secondary clarification in eight rectangular clarifiers (4/treatment line)
- Final UV disinfection.
The sludge treatment line consists of:
- Gravity thickening for primary sludge;
- Mechanical thickening of biological sludge by centrifuges;
- Buffer tank for mixing primary and biological sludge;
- Mesophilic anaerobic digestion in two stages (primary and secondary digesters);
- Digested sludge dewatering by centrifuges
- Sludge storage
The biogas produced in the anaerobic digestion is currently used for mixing and heating the digesters, by means of a boiler and heat exchangers. The biogas line includes a gasholder and a flare.
Freixo WWTP process diagram: